Yet, we humans find a way to beat ourselves up whenever possible. Never mind the fact we are all human and will have things happen we did not anticipate or want. Life is full of broken roads for all of us. No one is walking on an unbroken road. Plus, I like the analogy of a sports player playing injured. After all, are we all not playing the same sport of life injured? Our injuries include, businesses that fail, medical problems, income drops, relationship break ups and bad financial decisions.
These things will and do happen to ordinary humans every single day. There is no way to stop this from happening if you are human. The wonderful thing about bankruptcy is bankruptcy always you to clear the decks, stop living in the past, and get on with your life. Every time I ask clients about a debts or their debts they always recite past painful events that led to the debt.
Wouldn’t it be grand not to live these past events daily with a reminder of those events by the debt which was incurred? Bankruptcy allows you to hit the re-set button and re-invent yourself. We have plenty of people who are living their new lives with zest and excitement. These people are no longer living reciting bad memories but living in the here and now.
When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s most kind and helpful bankruptcy law firm by going now to