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What Happens After Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Written by William Kain | August 1, 2017 at 5:19 PM

You’ve taken a major step in regaining your financial freedom by filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Congratulations on being well on your way to becoming free from debt!

Now that your petition is filed, you may wonder what comes next in the bankruptcy process. The next step in erasing your debt is a meeting of creditors, which you and your attorney will attend. Also known as a 341 hearing, this is a time where you will answer some simple questions about your bankruptcy paperwork. This is not a traditional court proceeding and there is no judge present (a bankruptcy trustee is the person asking you the questions), although your creditors will have the opportunity to also attend and ask questions.

Once the meeting is over, your application will either be approved or denied. An experienced and qualified Minnesota bankruptcy lawyer, like the dedicated professionals of Kain & Scott, will be able to complete your paperwork accurately so that a simple mistake doesn’t cause your petition to be denied, costing you thousands of dollars.

Once your paperwork is approved, two great things happen right away: 1) you stop your creditors in their tracks; and 2) your debt will be erased fast!

To find out more about how Chapter 7 Bankruptcy helps Minnesota residents end harassing collections actions from creditors and eliminates your debt fast, read on!


One of the biggest benefits of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy happens immediately: by filing, you take control of your life back from your creditors right away! Once your case is filed, creditors are no longer able to contact you about your unpaid debt and are prevented from pursuing aggressive collections actions against you, such as wage garnishment, foreclosure, repossession, and liens.

Although this process is known as an “automatic stay,” you can think of it as an “automatic stop”: filing for Chapter 7 stops creditors in their tracks and protects your belongings automatically, all while freeing you from the stress and irritation of nonstop collections calls.


Another great benefit of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that it erases your debts fast! Once you file for bankruptcy and your application is approved, your debts will be discharged in as little as 60 – 90 days!

In just a couple months, you could erase decades of debt, years of worry, and months of interest and penalty fees. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one of the most radical and immediate transformations that you can give yourself and your family – debt erased, house and car secure from collections, and no more worrying about your creditors taking your debts out of your wages or bank account. After 90 – 120 days your financial situation could go from a nightmare to having the financial freedom of your dreams!


Putting an end to collections actions from creditors and erasing your debt fast are two great benefits of filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy but, if you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy with Kain & Scott, you’ll get one more important benefit that only we offer our clients: FREE credit repair!

When you erase your debts with Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you are taking an important step to changing your life. But, while filing for Chapter 7 will erase your debts, it won’t automatically repair your credit. Other law firms may erase your debt but they leave you to figure out how to repair your badly damaged credit. And, because opening new accounts are one of the fastest ways to boost your score, you’re also on your own to find a lender who will take a chance on you because of your low score. It’s a vicious cycle – one that everyone at Kain & Scott are determined to help our clients break!

So why should you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy with Minnesota’s leading Bankruptcy Law Firm, Kain & Scott? We specialize in bankruptcy and offer our clients 3 attractive benefits, not just 2:

  • 90-120 Day Discharge
  • Debt Freedom
  • FREE 90 Day Credit Repair 


With our FREE 90 Day Credit Repair program, you can boost your credit score and repair the damage your debt has done to your credit report. We will also provide you with a list of trusted Minnesota lenders that can give you the financing you want for the things your family needs, whether it’s a new home, car, or other loan. Our FREE 90 Day Credit Repair program is the final step in your financial transformation – and it’s exclusive to Kain & Scott clients!


If you’re ready to get started on erasing your debt fast, stopping your creditors from contacting you, and repairing your credit, contact our office today for your free initial consultation with the experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys at Kain & Scott!