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WATCH OUT FOR THIS When Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in St Paul, MN

Written by Wesley Scott | June 13, 2019 at 9:58 PM

The humility of being alive. Businesses fail, incomes drop, medical problems occur, relationships break up and yes we all make bad financial decisions. When you need to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy watch out for those people who try to prey on your weakness.

I am talking about debt consolidation companies that make debt consolidation sound easy and painless and it turns out to be difficult and very painful. I am taking about companies that prey on St Paul, Minnesota residents leading them to believe that they are an instate company looking to help them file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy when really they are an out of state company looking to profit off them and then refer them back to a Minnesota lawyer with questionable bankruptcy experience.

I am talking about rude bankruptcy attorneys and rude bankruptcy staff that treat you like you are a second class citizen. You deserve better than this. If lawyers are not willing to help you unless your wallet is deep, run. If the lawyer insists you fill out a pile of worksheets, run. If the “bankruptcy lawyer” is a jack of all trades and a master of none, run.

When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s NICEST bankruptcy law firm guaranteed or 100% off your fees*.  Kain & Scott is Minnesota’s OLDEST, LARGEST, and NICEST bankruptcy law firm. We have no worksheets to fill out and we offer $0 up front on our fees.

We have Minnesota’s LARGEST CHAPTER 7 and 13 website and we are Minnesota’s HIGHEST GOOGLE reviewed bankruptcy law firm as well. Thousands of Minnesotans cannot be wrong!


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s HIGHEST GOOGLE reviewed bankruptcy law firm at You will be glad you did!