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Looking To Hire A Bankruptcy Lawyer? Watch Out For This

Written by Wesley Scott | November 19, 2021 at 11:30 AM

I realize that attorneys have to start out somewhere, we all did. But, if I live in Minnesota and I am looking for a bankruptcy attorney, I want him/her to be my rock. I want this professional to do three things for me: 

First, you best know what you are doing. I don’t want to deal with any attorney who represents creditors and bankruptcy trustees and also represents debtors too. Forget that. I want a bankruptcy lawyer whose firm does 100% Chapter 7 and 13 Bankruptcy work. If I find out you are working for a firm, or you yourself, are also representing the same potential trustee I might get if I file bankruptcy, I am looking somewhere else.

Second, you better be nice to me. I am serious-- as a potential bankruptcy client, I am scared. I don’t want to hire someone who is so self-absorbed you cannot serve me too. If you are a petty narcissist, I am out the door.

Third, I want a bankruptcy lawyer who I will have no communication problems with. If I am not hearing back from you because you are too busy working on your motion representing a trustee and fighting a debtor, I am walking out the door. I hired you to represent me and if I find out you are also representing trustees and creditors, I am walking out the door and I will not return.

Minnesotans suffering from overwhelming debt deserve a bankruptcy lawyer that does nothing but Chapter 7 and 13 consumer debtor work. Don’t hire a lawyer who also represents creditors and bankruptcy trustees.


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s bankruptcy law firm; we only represent debtors in bankruptcy; never creditors or trustees, by going now to You will be so thankful you did.