Your credit after bankruptcy looks like this--- you have no debt and you have money left over after you pay your expenses. Let me ask you a question. Would a bank lend you money right now? Be honest. Sometimes the answer is an obvious no and sometimes people are not sure but they know they would likely pay higher interest. A lot of lenders will not lend you money if you have a lot of debt but your credit score is great and you are current on your payments. Why is this? Because lenders do not want to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Would that same lender lend you money if you have no debt? Yes they likely would. Why? You are in a better position now to pay the loan back.
And that is why people who file bankruptcies buy homes and autos after the bankruptcy is over. They are in a better position to repay the debt when they have no debt. Life after bankruptcy is beautiful.
When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to the ONLY Minnesota bankruptcy law firm to help you 1) get rid of debt and 2) repair your credit using Kain & Scott’s FREE 90 Day Credit Repair Program (a $3,250.00 value for FREE) by going now to You will be glad you did.