Kain & Scott Is Looking Into Student Loan Discharge Options

Posted by Wesley Scott on November 16, 2020 at 5:08 PM
Wesley Scott

minnesota-bankruptcy-attorneys-kain-scottStudent loans are an abomination. What we have done to our children is reckless and wanton destruction of their future. Yes, America has abolished slavery, but when you look at some of these people saddled with overwhelming student loan debt, and many with no accompanying degrees of any kind, it is little wonder the economy is sluggish. With all these Americans saddled with overwhelming student loan debt who has surplus money to spend on anything else?

We have failed our children and each other. Where are the gate keepers to help students not become overwhelmed with student loan debt? Why is there not more focus on questions like 1) should you really go to college, 2) are you focused on the end game and a particular degree, or 3) are we simply taking out student loans and being a student without any idea of what the end goal is?

You have no idea how many people we have met that have ZERO degrees and yet they have enormous student loan debt. Some of these kids accrue 100k plus in student loan debt only to end up making $15.00 per hour in jobs that don’t require college degrees anyway. How is this allowed to happen? Don’t you think investing 100k in an education should mandate the issuance of some kind of degree? Really?

Kain & Scott is so upset about the status of student loan debt we are looking into the feasibility of litigating student loan hardship discharges in bankruptcy. There has to be some relief for those suffering from student loan debt. Congress has covered big corporations who profit off students by making student loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy-- now it is time to protect the students.


When the time is right, or when you are ready to get your life back, reach out to Minnesota’s bankruptcy law firm at www.kainscott.com. You will be so glad you did.

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