If You Represent Yourself in Bankruptcy, You Have a Fool for a Client

Posted by Wesley Scott on November 20, 2019 at 8:45 AM
Wesley Scott

I can remember in law school the professors pounding into our heads that if you, even as a lawyer, try to representbankruptcy in bloomington, mn yourself in a legal matter you have a fool for a client. This is especially true for non-lawyers who try to represent themselves in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy proceeding in Minnesota. Why? Bankruptcy is a complicated area of the law—one that takes years for a lawyer to master. 

Certainly, a non-lawyer does not have the expertise to navigate the complicated legal roadmap either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy presents. Heck, at Kain & Scott, we represent lawyers often in bankruptcy because they understand they do not have the legal expertise to handle bankruptcy. I feel awful when I see non-lawyers try to file and represent themselves in a bankruptcy proceeding.

I have witnessed more than one bankruptcy case in Minnesota over the years where the non-lawyer client cost themselves a lot of money by not hiring counsel. And once you file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy incorrectly, you sometimes cannot undo that damage done or don’t have the legal sophistication to understand what needs to be fixed and how so. 

In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, not having a lawyer represent you is even more tragic since, for most lawyers, the attorney fees are baked into your payment amount. So for example, if you have a payment of $200.00 per month, that payment would INCLUDE your attorney fees that would get paid on the plan! So, if you file a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy on your own it is silly since the cost of representation is typically baked into the plan payment anyway!

Non-lawyers should not file their own Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. If you do, you have a fool for a client! Sorry, but what our professors said is true for us and you too!


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s LARGEST bankruptcy law firm at www.kainscott.com. You will be glad you did!


Topics: MN Bankruptcy Law Firms

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