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If Donald Trump Can File Bankruptcy, So Can You

Written by Wesley Scott | February 6, 2020 at 9:14 PM

If Donald Trump can file bankruptcy, so can you. There have been presidents who have filed bankruptcy before and there have been thousands of actors and actresses and comics who have filed bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a legal tool that can be used to get rid of debt. If you start a business, and things don’t go well, bankruptcy is there to help out. One of the policy reasons behind bankruptcy is we want people taking risks and starting businesses because when they succeed it is good for the economy.

The flip side of when they succeed is when they fail, we allow people to hit the reset button and move on to the next business or move on with their lives. There are countless stories of people who are highly successful who early on, had a business or two, fail. Failure usually is a prelude to success. It is for those people who continue despite the failures that success often finds.

The headwinds you cannot always help, there is a way out. It has to be there. Who in their right mind would start a business if there were no out? You would be one dare devil that is for sure. The prospect of laboring in debt forever is not something most of us want to think about.

So yes, if Donald Trump can file bankruptcy so can you! Trump views bankruptcy as a tool that can be used to eliminate debt and he is right. That is why it exists!


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s LARGEST bankruptcy law firm at You will be glad you did.