The MN Bankruptcy Blog | Learn the Bankruptcy Process & More

3 Things To Look For In A MN Bankruptcy Law Firm

Written by Wesley Scott | March 7, 2017 at 9:32 PM

It’s not easy researching which MN Bankruptcy Law Firm to use for your bankruptcy case. There are so many where do you start? It seems overwhelming and so many claim to do bankruptcy work. Do I just throw a dart and hope the one I pick is the right one for me? Hell to the no! Spend some time researching law firms. When you do, you will find the right one for you. 

Our guests sometimes think that all of us lawyers are the same- that what we offer is the same. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The reality is law office cultures are varying and the culture in one office may be the exact opposite of the culture in another office. It makes a big difference- trust me!

For starters, do NOT choose a bankruptcy law firm UNLESS bankruptcy is the ONLY thing the law firm does! This is a simple way of reducing the number of bankruptcy lawyers you have to choose from. If you reduce the number of law firms you are looking at to only those law firms that do nothing but bankruptcy work- you will probably be down to maybe 10 law firms state wide! Now, reviewing 10 law firms is easier than reviewing a 100 law firms.

If, for example, the law firm does bankruptcy and social security disability too, we would recommend you exclude that law firm from your search. You want your bankruptcy lawyer to have a law firm that focuses exclusively on bankruptcy work!

Here are some other things you should use to determine which bankruptcy law firm you should use:


Does the law firm not only help you eliminate your debt but also help you repair your credit? At Kain & Scott, it’s a 2 step process to getting your life back. First, we help you get your life back by helping you file bankruptcy and getting rid of your debt. Second, we help you repair your credit in our FREE 90 DAY CREDIT REPAIR PROGRAM (limited to KainScott guests only).

Many lawyers will assist you in getting rid of your debt. I say "assist" because many of these lawyers will hand you a pile of forms to fill out and make you do most of the work. Many of these firms will also require that you pull your own credit reports too.

At Kain & Scott we say we HELP you get your life back because we do most of the work- we don’t give you a mountain of forms to fill out and we also pull your credit reports for you as well.

But what is also true of most lawyers is their help stops as soon as you get your discharge. They will help you get rid of debt but they will not help you repair your credit in the bankruptcy law firm itself. Some will send you home with a cheesy code to go to another person’s website to then do all the work themselves. We wouldn’t think of doing that to our guests.

Instead, we HELP you get your life back by helping you repair your credit in house. This means assigning you your very own in house credit repair specialist- who will HELP you remove judgments, repair your credit reports, provide a useful course for you as well as a list of Minnesota professionals who help our guests obtain auto and home financing after the bankruptcy is over.


Yes, google reviews matter. What a former client says about the service of a law firm matters. To me, if you dig deep and look at all of the reviews (in case the firm tries to bury some bad reviews- not that any would do that), you will get a strong sense of what it is like to deal with the firm.

What better way to tell what the service will be like than to read what former guests have said? To me, there is no better way of telling! If you are filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy in Eagan, Minnesota, wouldn’t you want to know who else in Eagan used the lawyer and the law firm’s services and what did they think about them? I would.

People tell the truth on these reviews and they let you know one way or another if they were happy about the service or mad as hell. Only go to those bankruptcy law firms that cater to their guests. Avoid the firms that treat their clients like a widget on an assembly line/


What if I use the law firm’s service and I don’t like it? Do I get my money back? Should I get my money back?

Have you ever felt like once someone sold you on how wonderful their service would be, the service changed once you were sold? You feel betrayed don’t you? I would. It takes a lot of confidence to actually guarantee your service- which is why most law firms will not guarantee their service to you.

At Kain & Scott, we guarantee our service to you*! Kain & Scott guarantees we are Minnesota’s nicest bankruptcy law firm guaranteed, or 100% off your fees*! This gives our guests the assurance that we are confident in our level of service to you, but if you are let down, you have the ability to invoke the guarantee*.

Most law firms not only baulk at a guarantee but if you call them with a problem after you get your discharge, they act like they are insulted you would dare to bother the firm again! That is not how we feel at Kain & Scott. Indeed, we give our guests KainScott free advice for life cards just to make sure you stay in contact with us! Now that is taking care of your guests with class! 


When you are looking for a classy bankruptcy law firm to help you get your life back, there are firms out there that will fit the bill. Once you reduce the law firms down to bankruptcy only law firms, the rest becomes easy. For more information, see us on line anytime at 

* see website for details on guarantee