The Single Best Way To Determine If You Should File Bankruptcy

Posted by Wesley Scott on November 27, 2020 at 5:54 PM
Wesley Scott

question-mark-2123967_1920I know of a single way to determine if you should file bankruptcy. At Kain & Scott we have been around since 1972. We have seen all the reasons for people to file bankruptcy. Every single one of these people are good Minnesotans who simply fell on hard times. Over and over we see the same themes which propel good people into bankruptcy.

Income drop, business failure, relationship break up, medical problems and bad financial decisions-- and we have all made them. I simply do not care who you are, you could be a bankruptcy case. How do I know this to be true? I have seen it happen to unsuspecting people over and over. Now, let us get on with the single best way to determine if you should file bankruptcy. There is an easy way to determine whether you should file bankruptcy and here it is: Would your family be better off without the overwhelming debt? There it is. It really is that simple.

You see, it all boils down to the question of who are you going to protect, your family or your creditors? I really hope you choose your family because I know I will. Yes, we all want to pay our bills as they come due. And we all would if we could. But the question is who you protect if you have to choose between protecting your creditors and protecting your family. If you choose to protect your creditors over your family I feel sorry for your family who will suffer as a result of that decision. If your family would benefit from getting rid of unwanted debt, you file bankruptcy.


When the time is right, or when you are ready to get your life back, reach out to Minnesota’s LARGEST bankruptcy law firm at You will be so thankful you did.


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