I am simply going to point blank you and say you should always error on the side of filing bankruptcy. Why? Because like me you have a duty to protect your family even over your creditors. If you are faced with a proposition where paying back debt would jeopardize the health and well-being of your family, you file bankruptcy. Protecting the health and well-being of your family is exactly what bankruptcy allows you to do. Time and time again we hear it from our own clients. Thank goodness we filed that bankruptcy so we were able to move on with our lives, they say.
But I also understand that very ugly feeling of not being able to pay something you owe. We all do. But this all leads back to who is going to be protected from the elements in the end? It has to be your family. It always comes back to protecting and shielding your family from the storm outside. And quite frankly, you should never, ever, apologize for doing so. After all, what do you think large corporations do if they have too much debt? They file bankruptcy!
When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s LARGEST bankruptcy law firm at www.kainscott.com. You will be so happy you did!