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3 Reasons Not To Worry About Your Credit After Bankruptcy in Eden Prairie

Written by Wesley Scott | April 21, 2017 at 8:35 PM

I know- you read this headline and go what? What do you mean don’t worry about my credit after filing bankruptcy? This is what prevents me from filing to begin with. I completely understand the concern our guests have with how will bankruptcy impact my credit life after bankruptcy. There are a lot of myths out there. This notion that you can’t get credit after bankruptcy is just that- a complete myth.

Let’s parse through the many reasons why you shouldn’t worry about your credit after bankruptcy in Eden Prairie, Minnesota or anywhere in Minnesota for that matter.


When hiring a Bankruptcy Law Firm, make sure the law firm agrees to HELP you 1) get rid of debt and 2) repair your credit fast. HELPING you get rid of debt should include things like the firm doing most of the work while you relax. At Kain & Scott, we have no worksheets and we also pull our guests credit and asset reports. We also offer $0 up front on our fees to further assist our guests.

Once our guests receive a discharge, we automatically sign them up for Kain & Scott’s FREE 90 DAY CREDIT REPAIR PROGRAM. This is where we assign an in house FREE Credit Repair Specialist to you, remove judgments for FREE, do FREE credit repair work, give you a FREE mini course on how to improve your credit fast and a FREE list of professionals who help our guests obtain auto and home financing.

At Kain & Scott, this is a two step dance. First, we get rid of your debt, and second, we help repair your credit fast. After the two step, you should be 1) debt free, 2) judgment free, credit report error free, and have useful information on how to improve your credit even faster. It’s often that little nugget or two you learn that can make all of the difference in the world!

The biggest reason not to worry about your credit after bankruptcy is Kain & Scott intends to help you improve your credit fast!


Shut the front door right? Who knew? Well, it’s true. Most of our guests come to us knee deep in dept and either not making their payments timely or are on the brink of not making their payments timely. When you see the train coming down the track, you have two choices: 1) get the hell out of the way and live or 2) get ran over and die.

Ok, that is dramatic but you get my point right? If you are delinquent or know you are going to go delinquent, your credit score will go down anyway! Am I right? Try not paying your debt payments on time and see what happens to your credit score. It will drop like a turd.

So whether your credit is already suffering because you are delinquent now, or whether your credit score is going to plummet because you can’t make timely payments without starving your family, what’s the difference?

You see, shedding debt in bankruptcy is always helpful credit wise because you go from a position of debt to no debt. Crazy right? You see, banks don’t care if you pay other creditors back, what they really want to know is will you pay me back? That is why you see signs that say, “BANKRUPTCY” no problems. That’s because you have no debt and they feel more confident about getting repaid.


Seriously- think about this for a minute. Most guests we meet with, tell us they are knee deep in debt and seriously delinquent on their payments. By definition, your credit has to be rotten if this is the case right? Also, for the few people who say, he we are current on our payments they see some event that will soon occur that will change that paradigm.

We have had plenty of people tell us, yeah, I am current now, but when my unemployment ends, or my severance ends, or when I retire, or many other examples happen, the payments will stop.

The point is simple, if you do nothing your credit will be terrible anyway. If you file bankruptcy and get rid of the debt, the quicker you regain control and get your life back! This one of the reasons why I personally detest traditional debt consolidation plans. You make these payments that break your back for years on end and your credit profile looks like crap the whole time you are in the plan. Sound good to you? Oh hell to the no!

We understand the concern of credit following bankruptcy. But, if your credit is already dog doo doo, the best you can do is improve it going forward. You improve your credit by shedding unwanted debt, clearing the judgments from the public record, repairing your credit reports, and regaining control over your finances. At Kain & Scott, getting rid of your debt and repairing your credit is the recipe for getting your life back!

So, for those of you living in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, or anywhere else in Minnesota, now is the time to put the end to this nightmare. No more delays no more excuses and no more sleepless nights! This is a call to action! To pick up the phone or get on line and hire the highest google reviewed bankruptcy law firm in the state of Minnesota! Oh wow- I am getting a little nuts here!

Can it really get any worse than what it is? We think the path forward is onward and upwards! Get on the path so many thousands of Minnesotans have took before you to get their lives back and free themselves from overwhelming debt permanently. Our former guests don’t regret filing bankruptcy, but they do regret waiting so long to file bankruptcy.


When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s 24/7 bankruptcy helpline at You will be glad you did. Getting your life back is contagious.