All across Minnesota, there are tens of thousands of businesses that are suffering because of Coronavirus. Many of these business owners will face bankruptcy through no fault of their own. Who saw a pandemic coming 6 months ago? Even if you could have predicted the pandemic, what would you have done differently? Would it really have changed the course of events in a meaningful way?
In my life, when I come to a crossroads or hit a brick wall, I go back to the basics. What are my gifts? What is my passion? Am I using my gifts to do what I am passionate about? If not, why not? I sometimes view life’s unfortunate events, in hindsight anyway, as a wakeup call to your future you. Now, when you are in the midst of a crisis it is hard to see anything but the suffering and stress. But, the farther away you get from the wall you just hit the more you realize the wall might have been put there for a reason.
If you are a Minnesota small business owner, and you are facing some financially challenging times because of the Coronavirus, it may be time to sit back and reflect. Yes, it may be time to go back to the basics. What are your gifts and what is your passion? If your current business does not utilize your gifts and if your business purpose is not your passion, it may be time to change course altogether. I realize this is not always fun. But consider this: imagine yourself actually using your gifts and waking up every day to do nothing but what you are passionate about? Wouldn’t that be fun!? I think so!
When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s HIGHEST GOOGLE reviewed bankruptcy law firm at You will be so glad you did!