However, if you pay your family members more than $600 within a year prior to filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, this is considered a “preference”. What the heck is a preference? When you file bankruptcy, if you paid MasterCard $1,000.00 before filing the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Visa got nothing, Visa will be pissed right? So a preference is a payment to an unsecured creditor to which the trustee can recapture from the creditor and disburse to all creditor pro rata. If it is a general unsecured creditor, the look back period is 90 days before filing the bankruptcy. If it is a family member, the look back period is one year before filing the bankruptcy.
Do you think mom and dad will find it funny when Chapter 7 trustee says, you owe the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy estate 10k so trustee can disburse 10k to all creditors pro rata? Trust me, they will not find it funny. So, if you are considering filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Rochester, keep these issues in mind!
When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Minnesota’s NICEST bankruptcy law firm guaranteed or 100% off your fees* at You will be so glad you did!