The MN Bankruptcy Blog | Learn the Bankruptcy Process & More


Written by Wesley Scott | June 3, 2018 at 3:50 PM

If you are living in or around Woodbury, MN and suffering from overwhelming debt, you are not alone. Each year, more than 15,000 Minnesotans file for bankruptcy protection because the debt simply becomes unmanageable. Suffering from overwhelming debt is mentally and physically stressful. If you find yourself in this position, there are a few things to do right now.

Pay Your Rent

First, make sure you continue to pay your rent or mortgage payment if possible. Tough to do anything to help yourself if you are living on the street. And if you had to skip one of these, skip your mortgage payment not your rent. Why? Because landlords can kick you out in relatively short order. On the other hand, mortgage companies need to jump through many hoops before removing you from the house.  There are ways to cure mortgage arrears through loan modifications or a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.

Put Food On The Table

Second, buy groceries and keep the lights on. Look, you need to eat and have light. It’s tough to dig yourself out of the hole when you are hungry and you can’t see to the fridge or the food is spoiling because you have no power.

Keep Your Head Up

Third, like any storm, know that this will pass and keep your chin up. I know it’s easy to say this if you are not suffering from overwhelming debt, but if you are generally healthy, you can get through anything. I am not speaking about having your heads in the clouds but having a positive attitude in general. Bad things do happen to good people. Debt can happen to anyone- no one is immune from suffering from overwhelming debt. If you live in Minnesota, you are not alone if you have debt.

Call Today To Speak With A Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer At Kain & Scott

When the time is right, or when you are ready, reach out to Woodbury, Minnesota’s nicest bankruptcy law firm guaranteed or 100% off your fees. You will be glad you did.